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SFB/TRR219 cooperates with the German patient organisation for kidney disease “Bundesverband Niere e.V.”

May 4th 2018


The SFB/TRR219 consortium, funded by the German Research Foundation, has initiated a cooperation with the German patient organisation for patients with kidney disease (“Bundesverband Niere e.V.”) with the aim to create new synergies between research and the patient organisation and to increase the involvement of patients from basic research to realization of innovating therapy ideas.

Der Nierenpatient 01.2018.png

This cooperation was formalized by a letter of intent signed by

-Peter Gilmer, chair of the “Selbsthilfenetzwerk Bundesverband Niere e.V.” and representing the „Patientenstiftung Aktion Niere“;

-Martin Koczor, Managing Director of the “Bundesverband Niere e.V”

-Prof. Jankowski (speaker of the SFB/TRR219 and Head of the Institute for Molecular Cardiovascular Research, RWTH Aachen);

-Prof. Fliser (vice speaker of the SFB/TRR219 and Head of the Nephrology Department, Saarland University Hospital);

-Prof. Marx (Head of the Cardiology Department RWTH Aachen University);

and Prof. Floege (Head of the Nephrology Department RWTH Aachen University).


A publication in the patient journal “der Nierenpatient” accompanied this letter of intent to enhance awareness among patients with chronic kidney disease


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