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Peer-to-Peer mentoring

Training program



The Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG) “Cardiovascular complications in CKD” will create an interdisciplinary training program to guide the PhD students within the TRR219 to become the next generation of innovative, independent and translational cross-disciplinary researchers exploiting multiple facets of CVD in CKD. This comprehensive training program covers salient aspects of the pathophysiological mechanisms triggering CVD in CKD and will achieve full participation and integration of all PhD students in early career stages.


The program is personalized to the individual needs of the particular PhD student. Of note, the IRTG is embedded into the existing excellently structured PhD training program in Aachen and Homburg, respectively as well as international graduate schools. We will provide each PhD student

with the needed cross-disciplinary as well as complementary soft skills to perform efficiently in the

highly demanding translational research field. Further, the IRTG serves as a network base for the TRR219 to efficiently connect the topics, technology and methods between Aachen and Homburg.

Feedback from PhD and MD students about the activities of our graduate school (Dec 2020)

Students statements IRTG.jpg




Shared mechanisms underlying diseases: Hot Topics

Weekly Lecture Series, Winter semester 2025, in Aachen

With life streaming for Homburg participants


Multi-organ diseases - Pathological mechanisms underlying disease

Weekly lecture series, Summer semester 2025, in Aachen

With life streaming for Homburg participants


Sex & Gender in Kidney and Heart

Weekly Lecture series s, Winter- and Summer semester 2025, in Aachen

With life streaming for Homburg participants


The CardioRenal Patient

Case discussion, in Aachen

With life streaming for Homburg participants

Summer semester + Winter semester 2025


Participation in the EUKISS summer school
9 October, 2024
In the framework of the “Joint meeting of German DFG-funded CRC consortia & graduate schools focusing on heart, vasculature and kidney”, Frankfurt

Graduate training day
9 October, 2024
In the framework of the “Joint meeting of German DFG-funded CRC consortia & graduate schools focusing on heart, vasculature and kidney”, Frankfurt
Read more: 

Shared mechanisms underlying diseases: Hot Topics
Weekly Lecture Series, Winter semester 2024, in Aachen
With life streaming for Homburg participants

Sex & Gender in Kidney and Heart
Weekly Lecture series s, Winter- and Summe semester 2024, in Aachen
With life streaming for Homburg participants

Basics of clinical studies, Part 4: Statistics
12 June 2024, organized by S-01

Basics of clinical studies, Part 3: a practical example
Insides to the ARIANA study - scientific background and practical execution
22 May 2024, organized by M-07

Workshop “Research data management on a practical level: how to achieve transparent data description and storage?
13 March in the framework of our Annual SFB Retreat, by our postdocs and data manager
Read more

Multi-organ diseases - Pathological mechanisms underlying disease
Weekly lecture series, Summer semester 2024, in Aachen
With life streaming for Homburg participants

Cardiorenal Case Study Discussion
18. and 25. January, organized by our clinician scientists

Clinical Shadowing for Scientists
January and February


Shared mechanisms underlying diseases: Hot Topics

Weekly Lecture Series, Winter semester 2023, in Aachen

With life streaming for Homburg participants

Basics of clinical studies, Part 2: Interpretation of clinical studies

18 December 2023, organized by S-01

Basics of clinical studies, Part 1: Overview of clinical studies

28 November 2023, organized by S-01

6th Cardiorenal Summer School

21.-23. June 2023 in Gemünd

Sustainability in the lab

by Dr. Kerstin Hermuth-Kleinschmidt

16 May 2023


Multi-organ diseases - Pathological mechanisms underlying disease

Weekly lecture series, Summer semester 2023, in Aachen

With life streaming for Homburg participants


5th Cardiorenal Summer School,

Joint Event SFB/TRR219 & Marie-Curie ITN StrategyCKD, ESAO and EUTox

21-23 September 2022 in Skopje, North Macedonia Read More

Multi-organ diseases - Pathological mechanisms underlying disease

Weekly lecture series, Summer semester 2022, in Aachen

With life streaming for Homburg participants

TRR219 workshop on mass spectrometry imaging

August and September 2022, organized by S-03



TRR219 workshop on GraphPad Prism & Statistics

06-09 December 2021, Virtual event


Proper citation and avoidance of plagiarism’

Dr. Martin Nissen, University library Heidelberg

11 and 12 November, 2021, Virtual event

Multi-organ diseases - Pathological mechanisms underlying disease

April - July, 2021, weekly virtual seminars


My online profile and visibility as scientific expert on LinkedIn & ResearchGate

Katja Wolter; Steinbeis-Forschungszentrum Institut für Ressourcen-Entwicklung

05 May, 2021, Virtual event Read More

Seventh TRR219 workshop on Project management

09 March, 2021, Virtual event Read More

4th Cardiorenal Winter School, Joint Event SFB/TRR219 & Marie-Curie ITN CaReSyAn and INTRICARE & EURLIPIDS

01-03 February 2021, Virtual event Read More


Sixth TRR219 workshop on GraphPad Prism & Statistics

07-10 December, 2020, Virtual event Read More


International workshop „Business entrepreneurship and commercialization”, Joint Event Marie-Curie ITN CaReSyAn and


November and December, 2020, Virtual events Read More


Online Scientific & Career Workshop, Joint Event  SFB/TRR219 & Marie-Curie ITN CaReSyAn and INTRICARE & EURLIPIDS

30-31 October, 2020, Virtual event Read more


 Multi-organ diseases - Pathological mechanisms underlying disease

21-25 September, 2020, Virtual seminars


Fifth TRR219 workshop on statistics, Joint Event SFB/TRR219 & Marie-Curie ITN CaReSyAn

15-17 June, 2020 in Aachen Read more 

3rd Cardiorenal Winter School, Joint Event SFB/TRR219 & Marie-Curie ITN CaReSyAn and INTRICARE & EURLIPIDS

05-07 February 2020 in Seeheim-Jugenheim  Read more


Fourth TRR219 workshop

01-02 October, 2019 in Homburg  Read more


Multi-organ diseases - Pathological mechanisms underlying disease

09-13 September, 2019  in Aachen

2nd  Cardiorenal Winter School, Joint Event SFB/TRR219 & Marie-Curie ITN CaReSyAn and INTRICARE & EURLIPIDS

07 February 2019 in Seeheim-Jugenheim  Read more


Third TRR219 workshop

18-19 October, 2018 in Homburg  Read more


Multi-organ diseases - Pathological mechanisms underlying disease

03-09 September, 2018  in Aachen


Second TRR219 workshop

03-07 September, 2018 in Aachen  Read more

1st Cardiorenal Summer School, Joint Event SFB/TRR219 & Marie-Curie ITN CaReSyAn and INTRICARE & EURLIPIDS

23-25 August 2018 in Seeheim-Jugenheim  Read more

First TRR219 workshop, Joint event SFB/TRR219 & Marie-Curie ITN INTRICARE

06-08 March, 2018  Read more 


Peer-to-Peer mentoring

Peer-to-Peer mentoring

We established a peer-to-peer (P2P) mentoring program for MD and PhD students. It facilitates communication and integration of MD and PhD doctoral candidates with diverse background and the common interest in cardiorenal research. Additionally it nourish a common spirit within the graduate school. The P2P program is self-organized from and only for MD/PhD students. 
MD/PhD students created an open minded community to discuss different topic in an intimate atmosphere without any supervisor. The P2P has a strong networking value also for newly joining MD and PhD students



Successful start of the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) program

Nov, 2018 in Aachen  Read more




If not indicated otherwise, all events are organized by our P2P organizing committee:

Sonja Vondenhoff (AG Noels), Dustin Mikolajetz (AG Jankowski), Erik Merckelbach (AG Jankowski)

Past P2P organizing committees

01/2022 - 04/2024: Camilla Winkler (AG Jahnen-Dechent), Rosanna Huchzermeier (AG Van der Vorst) and Nicolas Hense (AG Goettsch).

11/2018 - 12/2021: Andrea Gorgels (AG Jahnen-Dechent), Fabian Preisker (AG Kramann) and Anika Himmelsbach (AG Goettsch).



How to submit a paper




Organized by C-02, C-07, M-03




Organized by M-01, S-02




Organized by M-07




Organized by C-03



P2P Christmas spirit


February, 28th

Social Event

Pub Quiz "biology style" ​


March, 21st

Statistic Workshop with open discussion

by Julia


May, 6th
Career Talk: my life in industry

by our alumni Christian

Photo shooting for professional photos


Networking BBQ



Young research day




P2P Christmas spirit


January, 24th

Writing Session: Do your chores!

Working together to increase motivation.

March, 1st

Cardiology Seminar

by our clinician scientist Martin Berger; MD, PhD

April, 25th

May, 23rd
Nephrology case study
by our medical students Felix and Philipp and clinician scientists Adelina and Susanne

Networking BBQ

September, 22nd
Panel discussion: Women in science – a personal perspective 

November, 21st

Career Talk: my life in industry

by our alumni Guilia

December, 19th



January, 27th

Open discussion

Last steps before handing in thesis/defense

by Juliane and Bilal


February, 17th

Scientific / Workshop

Graphical abstract design

by Marina

March, 17th

Open discussion

Who is new?


April, 14th

Biography presentation

by our alumni Marieke and Katja


June, 28th

Networking BBQ

August, 9th

Practical course: ECG

by our medical students Jonas and Melina


September, 1st

Open discussion

SFB Rudi rockt (cooking event)


October, 26th

Nephrology Seminar

by our clinician scientist Konrad


November, 17th

Open discussion

Games night


December, 15th

Open discussion

Christmas networking



January 11th

Science&Wine (open discussion)

What obstacles did I overcome during my PhD/MD – what went good and what was challenging?


February, 2nd

Science&Wine (open discussion)

Scientific networking in the challenging time of COVID19 – What is going well?


April, 14th

Science&Wine (open discussion)

Statistics with GraphPad Prism – exchange of experience


June, 7th

Biography presentation

Prof. Lars Blank


July, 13th

Project presentations from Julia With (AG Noels) via MS Teams


September, 14th

Biography presentation via MS Teams

Prof. Leticia Prates-Roma


October, 6th

Project presentations from Lea Herkens (AG Boor) via MS Teams


November, 11th

Project presentations from Christian Hasberg (AG Jahnen-Dechent) via MS Teams


December, 13th

Science&Wine at the Christmas market

Canceled due to COVID19 pandemic




January, 29st

Poster layouts – Discussion round by doctoral students


February, 27th

After work networking


March, 24th

Canceled due to COVID19 pandemic


April, 1st

Meet up online – scientific networking in the difficult time of COVID19


June, 18th

The Heart – function, disease and diagnostic, Virtual event

Dr. med. Martin Berger, University Hospital RWTH Aachen, Medical Clinic 1

(organized by Eva Harlacher und Christian Hemmers)


August, 24th

Communication of science to the general public, Virtual event

Dr. Lars Dittrich, German science communication Youtube channel MaiLab

(organized by Maria Chiara Arrivas und Pascal Mann)


September, 30th

Presenting yourself in a job interview, Virtual event

Achim Toennes, Toennes consult

(organized by Katja Ermert und Burcu Yesilyurt)


October, 28th

Photos, graphs and figures, Virtual event

Prof. Willi Jahnen-Dechent, University Hospital RWTH Aachen, Institute for Biomedical Engineering - Biointerface Laboratory


October, 30th

Fall Get Together with Scientific pitches and open discussion (How do I know I´m done with lab work and should start writing?), Virtual event


November, 24th

Mental strength for early career researchers, Virtual event

Judith Bergner, Dipl. Psych., Registered EurPsy Psychologist, Executive MBE (organized by Marina Heuschkel und Katja Krüger)




January, 31st

Doctoral regulations

Prof. J. Jankowski, Institute for Molecular Cardiovascular Research


February, 7th

Get together in Seeheim


February, 18th

Introduction to the bibliographic database EMBASE

Dr. Robert. Niebergall, Customer Consultant, Life Sciences, Elsevier Information Systems GmbH


March, 21st

Introduction to statistics

Giulia Ilaria Bagarolo, Institute for Molecular Cardiovascular Research


April, 29th

Introduction to EndNote

Ms Gabriele Pinnen, Informationsdienste, Informationskompetenz, Universitätsbibliothek der RWTH Aachen


July, 25th

After work networking with a picnic


October, 1st

After workshop get together


October, 30th

Workshop lab techniques – Discussion round by doctoral students



November, 8th


December, 13th

Networking at the Christmas market in Aachen

Training program

Training program

Overview of the educational program in four modules:

(I) Research, (II) Secondment, (III) Hands-on skills, and (IV) Complementary skills.

© 2021 - University Hospital RWTH Aachen

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