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Joint meeting of
DFG-funded CRC consortia
and graduate schools

09 - 10 October 2024
Importance and Highlights of
Cardiac, Vascular and Kidney Research

Joint meeting of DFG-funded CRC consortia and graduate schools
Importance and Highlights of
Cardiac, Vascular and Kidney Research in Germany

09 - 10 October 2024

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October 9th: Graduate training day and hot topics from CRC consortia on cardiac, vascular and kidney research.

October 10th: Importance of collaborative cardiac, vascular and kidney research, with representatives from politics and the DFG, keynote scientific speakers and a podium discussion with participating CRC speakers.


Increase awareness of
 - the high burden of cardiovascular and kidney diseases
- the clinical importance of cardiac, vascular and kidney           research
- the importance of collaborative research consortia

Increase national cooperation and exchange of expertise on scientific, technological and training level

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