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Clinical Shadowing as IRTG Training

Dec, 2023 – Feb, 2024

From December 2023 to February 2024, there was a special training program in our SFB. Scientists had the opportunity to observe the everyday clinical work of our medical colleagues. During clinical shadowing, they had the opportunity to watch doctors at work on different wards. Each participant spent one day on a normal ward and one day in a special area, such as the cardiac catheterization lab, echo lab or intensive care unit. On a total of seven dates, many postdocs and PhD students took up the offer and dedicated themselves to the clinic of the diseases they normally research in the laboratory. The scientists were thus able to gain a deeper understanding of the processes involved in treating the diseases they were researching and also got to know their colleagues' everyday clinical work.


© 2021 - University Hospital RWTH Aachen

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