Our TRR219 consortium organized together with the international Marie-Curie ITN CaReSyAn a workshop specifically on statistics, from June 15th to June 17th. Due to the global pandemic of Covid19, it was not possible to meet and all the lectures were held online. Prof. Georg Heinze from the Medical University of Vienna and Jeppe Christensen (PhD student in Vienna, CaReSyAn) prepared a shared online drive where the students could download and consult the material. Prof. Heinze focused first on data analysis basis, the topic was then followed by a general talk on initial data analysis (held by Giulia Bagarolo, a CaReSyAn PhD student). Jeppe Christensen held an open R session to help the participants to get familiar with this programming language. Other important topics addressed during the workshop were t-tests, ANOVA and regressions analyses. All the theoretical notions were supported by practical examples exploited in R and the students received useful handouts with all the commands and the steps to correctly perform the exercises. Important focus was given to the p-value topic and its misuse in science which led to an interesting discussion within the participants. Two external professors gave seminars on Bioinformatics and System Biology (Paul Perco, Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria) and Reproducibility of Animal Experiments (Prof. Dr. Florian Frommlet Medical University of Vienna, Austria).
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Dr. Heidi Noels and Dr. Yvonne Döring receive the W.H. Hauss Award from the DGAF
19-21 April 2018
Dr. Heidi Noels from the Institute for Molecular Cardiovascular Research at RWTH Aachen University together with Dr. Yvonne Döring from the Institute for Prophylaxis and Epidemiology of Circulatory Diseases at LMU Munich together received the DGAF W.H. Hauss Award 2018 from the German Society for Atherosclerosis Research (DGAF) during the 32nd Annual Meeting of the DGAF in Rauischholzhausen, Germany. They were awarded for their publication "Vascular CXCR4 Limits Atherosclerosis by Maintaining Arterial Integrity: Evidence From Mouse and Human Studies." (Circulation. 2017; 136: 388-403). In this work it could be shown that vascular CXCR4 has an atheroprotective function by maintaining the arterial integrity and preserving the endothelial barrier function. In addition, CXCR4 stabilizes a contractile smooth muscle cell phenotype. Targeted enhancement of these CXCR4-mediated protective functions could open up novel therapeutic options in the treatment of atherosclerosis.
The award was sponsored by a long-standing active member of the DGAF, Prof. Dr. Winfried März.
Project area Z
Administrative project
Robert Werner Mertens
MD student
University Hospital RWTH Aachen
Department of Internal Medicine
Project: The role of incretin hormone GLP-2 in septic cardiomyopathy
PI: Michael Lehrke
Robert Werner Mertens
MD student
University Hospital RWTH Aachen
Department of Internal Medicine
Project: The role of incretin hormone GLP-2 in septic cardiomyopathy
PI: Michael Lehrke

Mechanisms of Cardiovascular Complications
in Chronic Kidney Disease
The SFB/TRR219 is supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
Project-ID 322900939

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